Sunday, December 5, 2010


This morning I was in panic because it was the last day to give my presents to our youth leader to send to my cousins in Chad (Which, by the way, is in Africa). I realized that I hadn't made any presents for them. I panicked and made the easiest thing I could think of, friendship bracelets. I quickly made one but couldn't finish the other two before we had to leave for church. I worked on one in youth and my friend did another for me (Thank you!). I soon realized that I had lost one of the bracelets. :O I looked all over for it. Lucky for me, my youth leader offered to pick up the gifts on Thursday, when she was going to send the box of gifts. My mom said that we could drop them off instead.
I want to post how to make friendship bracelets soon! :D

Now We're having a retirement party for my grandma. All the cousins from my mom's side are over. I have one cousin my age (Boy, 12), but I also hang out with my teenage cousin (Girl, 17). Me, my older brother, and my two cousins. We hang out alot together.
I love family gatherings.