Monday, December 27, 2010

I beat Hades!

Yahoo! I beat Hades last night. I don't know about yours Icewolf, but in my game, we use cards to represent every attack, (There are different powers of cards, magic cards, friend cards, map cards, etc.) all I had to do was change my deck so I had stronger cards. Simple. (Oh, and level my guy up a bit.) So I past that, then went on to wonder land with Alice and stuff, the queen of hearts, her cards, the white rabbit, you know. Finished that, now I'm in Monstero, the big whale that Pinocchio was in. Now there's another boss that I can't beat. I took a video of me going through Traverse Town (Not from a Disney movie I think.). It's pretty easy considering I already finished the boss and all I do is defeat Heartless (Bad guys.) and collect treasure. Oh, by the way, in your game Icewolf, do they have Moogle shops? (I think they're sorta like pigs?) I can't figure out how to get to there shops. I can figure out which room they're in, but I can't find the shop.
I did take a video of me playing it, but it's not very good. The lighting is bad on my camera when I take a video, and It's kinda hard to play with a camera in front of your face.
Main plot:
Donlad and Goofy are trying to find King Mickey after he disappeared. Sora, the main character that you be, goes with them to find his friends (Mainly a boy named Riku) and find his memories. They come to the castle Oblivian, where a man gave Sora a set of cards. Sora then has to travel through worlds to find his friends.

Yesterday at my grandparents went pretty well, even though I was pooped. Like, so tired that you feel like crying for no reason at all, and not feeling like doing anything. (Oh wait, that's a feeling I have all the time. :D ) I'm still really tired. Yesterday I got yet another CD, (has greatest hits from last year. I already have the one from this year.) Three books, an Itunes card, and a puppy and kitten calender. I already read one of the books, (Called A Horse to Love (Was called The Trouble with Skye.) the first book of the Keystone Stables series. By Marsha Hubler.) it was really good. This is what it says on the back cover:

Skye didn't love anyone or anything.
Then she met Champ.

Most people know Keystone Stables as a very special dude ranch. For thirteen year old Skye Nicholson, it's her last chance. With Skye's growing record of offences, only the owners of Keystone, Tom and Eileen Chambers, can keep her from being sent to juvenile detention.
Not that Skye feels grateful. For her, Keystone is just another foster home like all the rest, except for one thing: Champ, a beautiful sorrel Quarter Horse who captivates Skye like she never expected.
As the bond between Skye and the horse grows, wonderful discoveries follow-discoveries about God's love that can change the life of a troubled, lonely teen.

It is SUCH a good book. If you like horses, this is perfect. There are rides, a horses show, she doesn't want to leave Champ if she runs away again, and a riding accident. I love this book and want to get the rest of the series.
The other two books that I got are from the Winnie the Horse Gentler series. I haven't read the two, but I do have the 1st and 5th. You could probably find them at your local christian book store.

I have two other great story ideas, but I'm already working on two storys, so I want to finish them first.

*Turns off Kingdom Hearts*


  1. I want to read Keystone Stables, but my mom doesn't want me to. I'll have to ask her again and see if she's changed her mind.

  2. Why aren't you alowed to read them? (They're christian books.) And they're great.
    Hey, did you know:
    Marsha Hubler is a homeschool consultant, evaluator, and educator specializing in elementry education and learning disabilities. She and her husband, Richard, were foster parents to countless children for more than eleven years!
