Friday, December 17, 2010


Okay, no title, technically. (Unless you consider ....................(Blank) a title.)

Yesterday was a blast. (No, not literally.) Like I said, we met at the church, then we took the bus to the old-folks home and went caroling.
So funny. our singing was TERRIBLE. Not only were we off tune, but I'd get lost halfway through the song. I was laughing nearly half the time. Our guitarist was also lagging behind, and the people at the front were going to fast for him to keep up. We were a MESS.
Okay, then we went back to the church and filled goody bags for the younger kids after the Christmas Service next week. That went pretty well.
Then we had a snack, (We made WAY to much food. We had enough for 40 kids, there was only 12.)
Then we played some games and did the white elephant gift. One of the boys got my Mr. Freezys, and I got a Tupperware pumpkin onion holder. Yay. I'm going to use it to hold the little candy that I have. At the moment, none.
The games were really fun, we played telephone, Museum,...and....Something else, I think. Tomorrow is the youth banquet. We're going to do a play.
There's this guy/girl who says..-never mind, here:

Guy/girl: I done it! I've finally found the ugliest thing on earth! But who is brave enough to look at it? I'll pick (#) contestants.
contestant #1: comes and looks in the cage (table with a blanket over it) and faints.
Doctors come in and take the patient away.
The same thing happens with all the contestants.
Guy/girl: Oh-no! We've run out of contestants! Who is brave enough to take a look at the ugliest thing in the world? Oh! How about you? (Picks some one from the crowd, probably our youth pastor.)
The person looks under the table and we throw water at him/her. (Not to much, just enough to get his/her head wet.)

Then, Maddy, I was thinking that we could do another one, me you and - the other girl. You know, the one that we always hang out with. (hint hint)

Me: I walk in, chewing gum, then I take it out and put it on a chair in the middle of the stage/area/thing
You or "Her": comes in and sits down on the chair. disgusted, you/her take the gum off and Throw it on the ground.
You/"Her": walks by and steps on the gum. disgusted, you/her takes it off your shoe and puts it back on the chair.
Me: I'll come by again, pick up the gum, and shove it in my mouth.

By the way, this is no new skit, it's been done for years-it's a classic.
Or I was thinking that we could do that thing....that we wanted to do at know....
But that one needs a lot of props. What do you think? I don't mind shoving half chewed/sat on/stepped on gum. No problem!
So.....what do you think?


  1. By the way, ....MWAHAHA!
    I've changed my password! now you don't know it!
    (I use the same password for every thing, and she knows it.) Hey, try and get onto my webkinz acount! Beat that! (It still has the same password, I havn't changed it-yet. I wont until you get on! Beat that!

  2. By the way, that comment was for maddy.

  3. I don't care. Hah!

    I'll do that skit, maybe. But only if that other girl we (I don't want to say her name) hang out with does it too.
    See you tomorrow

  4. To bad we couldn't do that skit. That would've been fun.
