Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Tree!

Yay, when I turned on the computer again today, It made that niose again. Luckily, it stoped soon after.

Anyway, to the main point.
Yeah! We got our christmas tree. It's still out in the garage, drying after being hosed down. We don't want any bugs in the house. We went to pick out a tree at the farm down the street.
At first I didn't want to go, but my parents made me.I'm gald I brougt my boots. My dad had to turn the truck into four-wheel-drive, jus to get through a huge mud puddle out in the feild. The whole place was nearly flooded. Deep puddle where everywhere. But the reason I'm glad I went, Yeah, the main reason is because I went with my family, I'm glad I came for that reason, but they had a SUPER CUTE pitbull-mix. (I was also glad that I went because now I have some thing to post about.)His name was Charlie and he was cute and friendly. He was just 9-months old.
I searched on google and found a picture that looks like him: (No, this is not actually him)
He was SO CUTE!
I can't wait to set up our Christmas tree.

Hey Book Blogger, could I post about what happened on sunday....?


  1. Awww! So cute. I like the view you took the picture from.

  2. Like I said, that's not Charlie, I googled images 'pitbull mix' and found a picture that looked LIKE him. Aparently this dogs name is Stella.
    My mom had her camera along, and I wanted her to take a picture of him, but I fogot.
