Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yew. Ouch.

I said 'Yew' for two reasons. My mom bought those stringy cheese things. THEY. ARE. GROSS. I think they're sopposed to be 100% cheese, but the 100% cheese can't 100% cheese. There's probably plastic in there. It tastes like plastic. :P Yuck.
Second reason: I just found a bit of booger on the laptop. Yew.
Actually, I have a third reason. My mom just made a marshmallow gun. Now that, is cool. the gross thing is the marshmallows. I don't like plain marshmallows very much. And my mom just ate one that went through the gun. Yew. Plastic flavored.
I say ouch 'cause my mom hit me in the back with a marshmallow. Ouch. Marshmallows are painful.

Well, that's about it. I'm editing my Howl of the Silver Mon story, so check back soon!

Mimor: I can't believe you're changing my human name to Violet.
Scezzle: Hey, it fits, and I always forget your former werewolf names. Which is really ironic, cause I'd remember my wolf name, but your human names. So backwards.
Marthall: So now my human name is Matthew.
Scezzle: Yeah. It fits.
Rosery: My name isn't changing!
Scezzle: Nope. Not at the moment anyway. I'm trying to think of somthing else, but I can't think of anything.

I know! We'll have a short little contest. You (My followers) can try to think of a good human name for Rosery. Something spunky! (Sorry, no award.)

Zagum: My name doesn't change.
Scezzle: Nope. Nothing fits you better than Zagum.
Zagum: Good. I like that.