Thursday, May 19, 2011

Oh, man. This is SO IRONIC.

I figured it out. I was SO sure that it was the same password I used for blogger. I even got to crying. I've been working SO hard on this story since around November. You know what the password was? howlofthesilvermoon. The name of the story. The think that's REALLY ironic, is that when I did that I was think 'so that it's easy to remember'. Me and my mom were working desperately to find out the password. We tried spelling-what we thought was the password-it wrong, we tried using my email password--none of it worked. Suddenly it popped into my head. I think I held my breath as I began to type. H-O-W-L-O... I finished and the title of my story popped up in big letters.

Howl of the Silver Moon
By (Scezzle)

I was SO RELIEVED. That freeked me out. I thought nearly seven months worth had just washed down the drain. few.