Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ice Blocking!!!

 Do I already have a post called 'AWESOME PICTURES!!!'? I'm sure I do.

Okay, to the main topic:

Yesterday was raining. But my junior youth group decided to go ice blocking anyways.
*OOW. Don't ask... Okay, ask.*
For those of you who have never done it (Or heard of it, for that matter.), Ice Blocking is sliding down a hill...


(Brr.) It's way better than sledding, I you don't have to wait till winter to do it! All you need is a block of ice (Which you can either make or probably buy at you local gas station.) and a hill! We went to a park to do it. At first it was hard to stay on a small rectangle block of ice, but I got the hang of it. It was even more fun to slide down on your stomach!!! You just put the block by your stomach, then slide away! Some of the kids made their own, which were usually larger than the ones that the leaders bought from the gas station. One of the leaders brought a huge one and I borrowed in a little while. (Man, it was heavy! I could barely carry it up the hill!) I went down the first time with it and got really far, then I went down a second time (This time one of the leaders carried it up for me. :P XD), this time lifting up my feet so they didn't drag, and went all the way to this cement area. I got up and realized that the ice block had broke in half! (Which shouldn't be a surprise, because in happened all the time with the bigger ones.) I picked up the bigger half and went down again. I made it to the cement again--and the half of the ice block broke in half. :P I had three thirds of a once huge ice block.

If you ever decide to go ice blocking, here's a tip:


I don't know how I could emphasize that point more. (Hey, it's in the biggest words I can do, all in CAPITALS, and it's bright red. !!!With three exclamation marks on either side!!!) We got SO DIRTY. (If we went down a million times, which some boring people didn't do.) And wear play shoes. My shoes got soaked and grass stained. (Luckily, they were play shoes)

After we finished (I wasn't quite finished, but I had no choice.) We went to one of the leaders' houses. There we talked, ate hotdogs, shivered, ate cookies, changed out of our dirty clothes, snuggled down in blankets, ate chips, drank hot chocolate, and shivered some more.
We played telephone, which was HILARIOUS!!! When my turn came around, I said "I ate too many tacos on Tuesday." One guy brought two of his friends, and when it went past them, It went from Tuesday, to Sunday, to Tuesday again. :P In the end, it turned out to be: "I hate chocolate on Tuesday." Where in the world did chocolate come in???!!! And one of my friends said something about Ninjas, and it turned into something about politics!!! Go figure. One girl said "Sparkly nail polish" And it turned into "Apple juice is sparkly". Another time it was "She sells sea shells by the sea shore" And it turned into "Like, mode". WHAT???!!! We were laughing our heads off!!! It was so funny! In between the beginning and the end, there were comments like "What???!!!", "What the heck?" and hysterical laughter. It was the funnest game of telephone I've ever played. My mom came to pick me up all to soon.

Lots of fun comes from a block of ice.


  1. Wish I couldn't been there! :( But I think I had more fun where I was than if I'd have come with you. :)

    ♥Book blogger

  2. yes, I did add the tag thing later. :0)

  3. Excuse all my comments. The library has "Losing Faith."

  4. One of the leaders drove us to the other leaders house, and her back seat was covered in grass from our dirty clothes!!!
