Monday, May 9, 2011

Lord of the Rings

On Saturday I watched the first Lord of the Rings. It was really good! (And really freaky.)

I closed my eyes nearly half the time. :P The scariest part--well, not really scary, but the part I hated to watch--was when the two wizard people fought. (Sorry, I'm bad with their names. The only ones I know are Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Merry and Pippin, and Sam. Sad huh?) I also found the Evil Person (See what i mean?) pretty scary. (Even though he's just an eye.) My dad said that when he was little, he thought the scariest part was when Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin were hiding under the roots of a tree and a Rider Person was right above them. My older brother (Whom I watched it with) said there was a scary part coming up. It wasn't really scary, more of a shock. It's when Bilbo jumps out a Frodo when he sees the ring.
I held onto my safety pillow (Hugging it to death) through out the whole movie. (Hey, It was on the couch, so I picked it up and put it in my lap 'cause I was to lazy to throw it on the floor. :P)
My favorite part was the fight with the Rider Peoples and when Frodo got stabbed in the shoulder by one of them. I love that part. :P Which is weird, 'cause it's tragic. Sort of any way. I loved that part though.
One part that was really funny was when they're at the inn and Pippin (I think it was Pippin.) comes to the table with a huge cup of something and Merry asks "What's that?" "This, my friend," Says Pippin. "Is a pint!"
"I'm getting one!" Me and my brother thought that was really funny. (Even though he's watched it before.)

If you don't think you can take the gor and might nightmares (Surprisingly, I didn't), I suggest you don't watch Lord of the rings.


  1. Wanna watch it! *wahhh!*

    Think I'd like it?

  2. I have not watched the Lord of the Rings ever before, but I suspect I will someday :)

  3. @ Maddy
    Yeah, but I'm sure you'd have nightmares!!! :D

    Probably. It's a great movie. The first one anywho.
