Monday, May 16, 2011

Out with the old...ish...and in with the new...ish...

That's right. I'm going from a Tenth Ave. freak to a Switchfoot freak. K, maybe not a freak. I just found some of there songs on YouTube and have been listening to them while I did my school work.
I like this song:

and this song:

And this too:

My cousin showed that last one to me. What do you think?

My mom made brownies today. Yummy. They're sort of cakey though. I like the fudgey ones better. But my mom was just trying a new recipe.

One night, It might have been last night, me and my younger brother watched a movie called Joey. It was about a baby kangaroo. I see now why it was never popular. It was so dumb and fake. REALLY fake. Although there was one funny joke.
There's this detective (He's about the funniest thing in the movie) and he holds up a radio. "I've go your whole conversation on tape." The other guy's says "That was on?" The detective shakes his head. He presses a button on the top and a secret compartment opens and a tape recorder comes out. "You hid a tape a tape recorder?" "Ingenious isn't it?"
That was pretty good. But I would NOT recommend this movie.
By the way, if you ever see an old movie called Tadpole and the Whale, DON'T WATCH IT!!! *Imitates Tadpoles hideous voice* "And it has a bump on it's nose--like a pickle!" What ever else you do, DON'T WATCH IT!

Himor: What's it like?
Scezzle: Just like you to ask. You might just like it. It's as stupid as you are.
Himor: HEY!
Scezzle: *rolls eyes* I'm only kidding.
Marthall: It is pretty true, though.
Himor: *growls, mutters, and shuffles away*
Scezzle: *gives Marthall a high five* That got rid of him!


  1. The Big Inflatable Ball movie is pretty weird.

    see last post for something I commented and told you.

  2. I like it!

    I know. Which post did you do the answer on?

  3. My latest... the one about the piano competition.
