Wednesday, June 29, 2011

YES!!! Yesyesyesyesyes!

My mom just picked up a package and...inside..was what I've been waiting for all term...The One Year Adventure Novel Curriculum! Yes! I asked her what she got and she said "School stuff." "Oh, great." Was my sarcastic reply. "You might not say that if you knew what it was." I got up from the computer to take a look. I knew exactly what it was as soon as she said it. I can't wait to get started. I don't know whether I should to Howl of the Silver Moon with it, or wait till next year and buy their fantasy curriculum. It's so hard to decide...

I think I'm going to do it in first person, cause I find it easier, One Year Adventure Novel is for writing in first person, and I already have parts of the story planned in first person.
Anyone like my prologue? I do.

Here's what I've written so far in first person. Compare it to the first part in third person and tell me which you like better.

Howl of the Silver Moon
By Scezzle

A light brown wolf’s paws ran gently over the cover of an ancient looking book. Only its perfect condition hinted that it was just recently given to her.
“Open it!” A yellow wolf urged her. “They say a new wolf is to be born tomorrow!”
The wolf looked to a darker wolf, unsure. “Should we check who it is?”
The dark wolf, leaning casually against a tree, arms crossed, nodded, trying not to show his eagerness. He looked across the clearing at a black wolf, glad that for once the pup was quiet, staring intently at the cover of the book.
The wolf’s hands moved slowly. She lifted the cover and mumbled some words, so low that they could barely be heard. Letters glowed on the page.
“What’s the name?” The blond wolf’s voice shook with excitement.
“Scezzle Redstripe.” The wolf read in a whisper.
“No, no, the false name!” The black wolf finally spoke up, scampering across the clearing to where the others were gathered.
“It doesn’t say.”
“What’s her description?” The dark wolf asked, peeking over his sister’s shoulder.
“White and red fur…” The light wolf’s voice trailed off and she looked up at her brother, eyes wide.
“You think?” The yellow one gasped.
The dark wolf nodded. “Do you know anyone else with white and red hair on the south side of the lake?”
The yellow wolf squealed with joy and the black wolf hopped around with her.
“You think it’s really her?” The light wolf asked, unable to contain the smile that spread across her face.
The dark wolf’s face hardened. “It might not be. Too bad the pup’s coming at such a bad time…the rumours…” He wished the woods were as safe as they used to be. But that was even before he had become a werewolf a little less than year ago.
The light wolf sighed. “But still…”

Chapter One

I jumped sky-high as my alarm went off. Blinking my eyes, I tried to calm my racing heart. What time was it? I better not have been woken up earlier than needed. I checked my clock, 3 pm. Great. Just great. My clock had stopped, and the alarm had set off for no reason. Stupid clock. I pressed the off button. The alarm kept going, loud and clear. Stupid noisy clock. I brought my fist down on it. It kept going. With a growl I grabbed the chord and yanked it.  All was quiet. I looked at the chord that I held in my hand. The plug was bent. I put my hand to my face and grit my teeth. It was all I do to keep myself from swearing. With jaw clenched, I stomped downstairs.
My mom stood by the counter in the kitchen, toasting bread. She growled a good morning and something else that I didn’t catch. I considered snapping back, but decided it would be better if I wasn’t seen or heard. I squeaked a good morning, grabbed a plate and hurried to the table, wishing I would’ve stayed upstairs. The only person grumpy up there is me. I was just about to take a bite of my toast when my dad came in to the kitchen. I was guessing, by the look on his face, he was a grouchy as I was.
“Get some proper clothes on!” He roared. I guessed wrong. He was even grouchier than I was.
I looked down at my puppy T-shirt and Coco-Cola boxers, then back up at him. “C’mon,” I whined. It’s just PJ’s. Can’t I wear them just to breakfast?”
“Sure, and while you’re at it, you can wear them to school. Get upstairs!”
“I’m going, I’m going!” I said hurriedly, scampering upstairs to my room and throwing on some baggy khaki short and a different T-shirt. And, just to get on his good side, I even quickly ran a brush through my hair. My friends said my hair was unique. I couldn’t agree more. How often did you see a teenager with naturally white hair and red side bangs? I slipped on some socks and bound down the stairs again, wondering what I did to get my dad in such a state.
By the time I got back to the table my toast was gone. “Daddy!” I glared at my father. He had stolen my food more than once before.
“I’m not the one with toast crumbs on my muzzle.” He said, eyeing my dog over his newspaper.
“Milo!” I turned and growled at him as he guiltily licked toast crumbs off his chops. There goes my breakfast. “Come on, out!” I ushered my chocolate lab across the kitchen and out the sliding door.
My thirteen year old sister Mimosa came in just then, laughing, until I shot her a warning glance. Even then she still put her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle.
“You can make another.” My mom assured me as she sat down at the table with her own breakfast.
“Why can’t you?” I mumbled under my breath as I stomped to the cupboard and pulled out a box of cereal instead. Toast would take too much time. I sat down and ate them, until they got soggy and made me even angrier.
Once I was finished I muttered a goodbye to my parents, grabbed my back pack and hightailed it out the door. I scowled as my pencil case flew out of its open pocket and pencils flew in every direction. Grumbling to myself, I got down on my knees and began cleaning them up.
My friend Taylor came running up, laughing. Her blond hair shone in the sun, much to my envy. I wished I had a normal hair color, instead of white and red. “Congratulations, your first big spill on your big day!”
I stopped mid-reach and looked up at her in surprise. “What’s today?”
She smacked her head and laughed again. “Don’t tell me you forgot! It’s your fifteenth birthday, silly!”
“Oh.” Was the only thing I could mumble in my defence. I turned back to my work. “The least you could do for my birthday is help me clean this up.”
“Fine.” Taylor bent down next to me, still snickering.
When we finally retrieved every one of my pencils, we continued on our way to school. Taylor seemed really excited about something, but she wouldn’t say anything. I found it strange, because she usually was the first one to tell me everything.
Zagum jumped and waved from where he stood with Violet and Matthew. We had all met in first grade and been friends since then. “Hey! What took so long?” Zagum shouted.
“We didn’t take long.” Taylor shouted back. When we came close enough she smacked him over the head. “You’re early.”
Matthew shifted from one foot to the other, his usual scowl pasted on his face. But he muttered a happy birthday as we came nearer and his expression brightened a bit.
“Happy birthday, miss sunshine.” She smiled at my sulking face. “What happened?”
Taylor laughed as my frown deepened. “Air dropped her pencil case and the stuff flew everywhere.”
Violet smiled again. “Bad day?”
“I’ve never had worse.”

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