Saturday, June 11, 2011


Mine never really last more than a month or two. They sort of....I dunno...fray?

I haven't posted for, I dunno, I week? More? Well, here goes:

My brothers and my dad are on a camping trip with my little brothers Boys Club group, so the house is quiet, with just us girls. It's nice, but...kinda boring.                                    And quiet.

Last night we had a piano recital. I'm very proud. I made no mistakes. My mom said it was perfect. (I wasn't really sure if I was going to believe her at first) But then my piano teacher from last year came up to me and said I did super! Man, that felt good. I was very proud of myself. Still am. My mom said you could really feel it. I had been practicing that song for months. I'm so proud. Wait, I already said that a million times.

Then when we came home we watched Pride and Prejudice on YouTube. I love that movie. We watched the new one 'cause the old one was to long. Never watched the old one, but I think I'd like the new one better anyways. I think it's one of my favorite movies. It's funny. I like Lizzie. And Mr. Darcy. And Jane. Mr. Collins is such a nut. Mrs. Bennet, Kitty, and Lydia are a bunch of nuts too.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't make any mistakes at my recital either! My songs are so EASY though. And I only had to play three. So, not bad. It's kinda of weird. My violin songs are SO hard, and my piano songs are SO easy.

    I likes Pride and Prejudice.

    I threw up again.

    ♥Book blogger
