Friday, June 24, 2011

I'm bored to DEATH

I have nothing to read. It's driving me nuts. I can't stand it. Usually I read something while eating breakfast (Crazy, I know), but today I couldn't find anything. I've already finished reading Waterfall a second time, out pure boredom. Not that I didn't really want to read it. I loved it, so I just had too anyway. So I didn't really want to read that again. I went to the bookshelf and began growling in frustration; we have two full bookshelves, but I couldn't find anything good from either. I've either read the book, or I'd do nearly anything in order not to. I'm surprised no one heard me muttering under my breath how I might scream any second. Kay, maybe I was over exaggerating a little, but I was seriously at my limits. I couldn't stand it. After I read I good book, I just have to read another. It's like it sets off some hidden addiction. I'm hungry for more. While other times I can go a whole month without actually sitting down with a book. (Nuts, really) I finally became so desperate that I grabbed a food magazine from the shelf and sat down to cornflakes. Again. It's like, all I ever eat for breakfast. Some times I just can't stand it, eating it every day.

Kay, did I bore you with that whole thing about my reading? I hope not. If you've made it thus far without even starting to nod off, without your eyelids closing heavily, please, tell me. If I get no comments, I'll know I've gone to far.

I feel the same as yesterday. Minus the stomach ache. It's also driving me nuts. And so is the rain. I think I'm going nuts...

I've drawn a small sketch (And colored it) and I've baked Jauz (As I've said a few posts ago), but I honestly don't feel like scanning or taking pictures at the moment. Much less uploading them.

Marthall: Nothing from the two monkeys yet.
Mimor: I'm getting worried.
Scezzle: *Rests giant fan over shoulder* Some people are just so stupid.
Marthall: *Eyes fan, clears throat* Meaning Zagum and Rosery.
Scezzle: *Slaps him over the head with the fan* Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I love this thing.
Marthall: No, really?


  1. Ha, I always used to read books at breakfast. (Drove my parents crazy.) But I was also always late to school, and when the administration started combatting tardies with noon-detention slips, I had to stop.

  2. Yeah, well, luckily I'm homeschooled. :D
