Saturday, February 26, 2011


I took these pictures some time in the past two-three weeks:

This one looks like she's trying to stare me down. :)

I love this picture! Isn't the shadow so cool?

My mom loves how the sun is peeking out in this one.

I like how the trees seem to be reaching for some thing...

I love the mountains here, they're so pretty!

Dudley, the big teddy bear.

Misty, she's actually around 7 years old.

Skylar's covered in snow!

She didn't seem to mind it though.

Foot prints...

Doesn't the grass look cool in this picture?

The sheep were covered in snow too. This is Lowla.

Snow on the trees too!

Do you like them? I love taking pictures of nature. The things are so pretty.

BTW, the week's almost over, did any of you take my challange? If you did, I'd like hear about it!


  1. Awesome pictures! I love them! Skylar, Dudley, and Misty are soooooooo cute!

  2. Ugh! I just made a new header and realized it clashed horribly with the background! :(
    Any one have cute/rustic background that might match?
