Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pasta, Pasta.. (And more pasta!)

On monday my family, as well as my grandma, went out to a...thing...and then went out for a dinner of-you guessed it-pasta. now last night, and tonight, we had pasta. Great. I getting sick of it.

Yesterday was y first time skiing. Lots of fun, but so very tiring. Me legs ached afterwards. I was out all day with my friend, her sister, and her sisters friend, (And their dad.) skiing, driving, skiing, playing "Fortunately, Unfortunately", skiing, stopping for Subway and a 'Blizzard', and more skiing. BTW, these are not in the right order. I only went skiing once.

"Fortunarely, Unfortunately" is one of the best pass-time games ever invented. It's SO fun! Talk about some crazy ideas.

"One day we were going skiing"
"Fortunately, there was two feet of snow."
"Unfortunately, the sun came out and melted it all."
(Then some how the snow came back again, but I don't remember what happened)
"Unfortunately, a bad guy stole all the snow."
"Fortunately, he was using it for the Olympics!"
"Unfortunately, it was the summer Olympics."
"Fortunately they had an Olympic snowball fight!"
Etc, etc,

It's so fun to crush all of the wonderful things that come to replace the bad.
Some things that were used were:

- Snow
- Dragons (Used ALOT)
- Rabbits
- Cabbage
- Cake
- Antartica
- Hawaii
-  penguins
- sadly, dragon hunters
- bad guys
- cell phones
- magic
- and other stuff to

SO FUN! And so funny! We thought up some pretty crazy stuff!
I can't wait to go skiing again!

I finished the first two Left Behind: The Kids. They are great books! I really want to get the next ones from our church's library.

They're about four kids:

Judd -- The Runaway

Vicki -- The Rebel

Lionel -- The Liar

Ryan -- The skeptic

I love the first two and can't wait to get the next!

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