Saturday, February 5, 2011


Do you like my header? Maybe I should downsize it...

I was just at Book Blogger's birthday party (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADDY!!!)

I told her I'd get her back for something... I don't remember what...but she hates pictures of herself so...

You've been my best friend for half my life! I chose this picture because in the other one I looked like this:
I know, crazy huh? We were around 6 or 7 at that time...

Any way, we went bowling, had lots of fun, and I got to sleep over. YAY!

BTW, I'd like to thank Book Bloggers brother for going on a button clicking spree. *Rolls eyes*


There ain't no lakes on us! There ain't no lakes on us! There might be some lakes on some of you cupakes, but there ain't no lakes on us!

I tag: my followers, exept not Gallop girl. :(
See who can throw the sweetest remark!


  1. OH, WOW! I can't believe it! Where did you pull that picture out of?
    And what are you getting me back for? I don't remember. Wait, was it because I found out your blogger password and logged onto your account for fun?
    I HAVE to have that first picture! Could you develope it for me or send it in an email to me? (preferably develope it :)
    Thanks! I was fun having you! Can you believe how long it has been?
    Happy Birthday to me!
    Book blogger

  2. Did you think this was where you'd be seven years from now?

  3. I wanted to print it out and put it in your card, but our printer's out of ink. I'll email it to you soon!
