Saturday, April 30, 2011

Philippians 4:13 kitty

So cute huh? I found the picture and added the words on picnik. This is the favorite verse of one of the sponsors at my junior youth.

Not much has been going on. So I can't say much. It's been sunny and rainy on and off. On sunny days I play with the neighbors. We usually play grounders, home base tag, or basket ball. On rainy days, we sit around.

Yesterday was youth. We played some games, ate a snack, and had a devotion. One game that I really liked was called wall ball. It's to had to explain though.


  1. I'm back! (just in case you were curious!)

    Love, Book blogger

  2. I don't own the book Losing Faith. You know Coley's writing teacher in TLC? She wrote that book! Coley's borrowing it from her.
