Saturday, April 9, 2011

Why Does This Taste Like Bubblegum?

Yesterday at youth we had doughnuts. One guy sat down with his doughnut. He said: "Why does this taste like bubblegum?" We're like "What?!" He's like looking at his doughnut "No seriously, this tastes like bubblegum." Then our leaders tell us that we can have thirds "First come, first serve!" I grab the one that apparently tastes like bubblegum and sit down. I take a bite "Woh. This does taste like bubblegum! No seriously! It tastes like bubblegum. The other guy's like "I told you! I told you and you didn't believe me!" It seriously tasted like bubblegum! Like the cheap double bubble! It was so strange! Now when we play 'I Have' (The opposite version of 'I've Never') I'll say "I have ate a bubblegum flavored doughnut." The only people still sitting will be Julian and Kevin!

Guess what today is!!! It's my birthday! Okay, my birthday party. My true birthday is tomorrow. Today I'm having a party with Maddy, a friend from church, and two of the neighbor girls! It's a sleep over.  I can't wait!
Thirteen, HERE I COME!!!
(I'm going to be a teenager! Eek!)

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