Saturday, January 8, 2011

My first hockey game! (And a contest.)

K, lets not leave you with some boring and depressing writing news!

Yesterday, me, my dad, and my little brother (My older brother isn't into sports.) went to a hockey game. It was lots of fun, even though our team lost, 3 to 4. It was a really great game. (Made me want to take Hockey lessons.)

I've always been into sports. At camp, All I did in free time was play soccer with the boys and once in a while another girl would join in.
  When we were home schooling with a different school we went to a skating rink. It was split up, one part for free skating, skating lessons, and the boys did hockey at the far end. Last year, I was with the boys, playing hockey till my hearts content. Actually, I was sad when we had to leave.
  I used to think basketball was cool, then a boring gym class ruined it for me, but now I love to play it with the next door neighbors.
  The only sports I don't like are lacrosse, and foot ball. Although in some places they call soccer foot ball. I believe in some places it's pronounced fooze ball, but I'm not really sure.
Any one else into sports?

Speaking of games, has any one heard of these games?

  • Pizza
  • Ninjas
  • Good guys bad guys
  • Kick the can
  • China wall
  • Head Moose
Okay, the third, I know you've never heard of it. Me and my friends made it up. So much fun. Until...never mind.

Good Guys, Bad Guys:

You need: two hula hoops, skipping ropes or rope, small items (Large rocks, small containers, sand shovels, spoons, etc.), 4 or more players, a big field or yard. (We used the whole yard, backyard and front.)

How to play:
- Place one of the hoops on one side of the yard and the other on the other side. Lay the skipping ropes around on of the hoops in a wide circle. Place the small items inside the hula hoop surrounded by skipping ropes.
- Divide into two equal teams, good guys and bad guys. If there is an unequal number, the bad guys get one extra player. (It is easier for the good guys so it's fair, trust me.)
- The good guys pick one certain item before the game starts and they keep it secret form the other team.
- The bad guys have to get into the skipping rope area, without being tagged by the good guys. If they are tagged, they have to go back to their hula hoop and stay there for 60 sec. If they make it, they then take an item  and have to get it back to their hula hoop with out getting tagged.
- Once they get it back, the good guys tell them if it was the item that they picked or not. If they did not get it, then the game goes on. If they did get it, they win.
- The good guys have to try to tag all the players and if they all are having a time out, the good guys win.

This game is REALLY fun whether you have a large or small group.


Yeah! First contest! Here's the idea:

Each girl, (Boys to,  if they want.) shows their true creative side by entering any of these contests:

Awesome Doodlez Contest: Draw the best picture you can and post it on your blog, then comment the link to me. You can send one picture for each category: Animal, Human, Nature. Make sure to tell me which pic is for which category.

Bedroom Makeover Contest: Here's a good reason to clean up your room: Put on your best sheets, take out your favorite stuffed animal, put up some posters, and clean up that desk! Take and picture and post it on your blog, then comment me the link.

Perfect Pet Pictures Contest: Take a picture of your pet, or a friends, post it on your blog and comment me the link. You can send one picture for each category: Cute, Pretty, Funny. Make sure to tell me which pic is for which category.

Fashion Fever Contest: (Boys may not want to do this, unless they want to send a crazy outfit.) Take a picture of your favorite outfit, whether you're wearing it or not, even if you head's cut off! Post the pictures on your blog and comment me the link. You can send one outfit for each category: Casual, Dressy/Fancy, Crazy. Make sure to tell me which pic is for which category.

 Here's the prize:

Your blog(s) will be mentioned on my blog and have a special link (Like the one's for my other blogs.) on the side. If you have any other ideas for a prize, just tell me. (Some thing that doesn't have to do with mailing a huge box and dropping it  on your doorstep.)

Hope you join, hope you win! Best luck to you all!

(Contest ends: Jan 16 2011. You have one week!)


  1. My dad showed me how to put up videos.
    Congrats on your first hockey game! I have never been to see one.

  2. I'll try to enter your contest. I'll work on it later today maybe.

    P.S. Like my new profile pic?

  3. Cool! I noticed it right away!

  4. What?! I just checked Mattie R's blog and you said that you like being with boys better than girls! Oh, please. What about me and all your other friends? Name one boy that is lots of fun to be around. There's a few, but how many do you know?

    Plus, you said that boys are good at everything!!? What about girls? Aren't they good at stuff?

  5. Okay, almost all boys are fun to be around.
    Anyways, I was wondering if I could email my entries to you. If I can't that's okay too. Just wondering.

  6. Okay, the reason I wouldn't want to be a girl is because I'd have to give up you.
    I admit, I don't really know any boys, (Exept some. we sorta are friends, but our main idea is to bug each other. That's really fun.) but I try to get to know some of the boys as far as they'll let me. *sigh* One thing that boys aren't good at is keeping a conversation with a girl.

  7. Boys (In general.) aren't good at:
    - Umm... well, they aren't really into crafts, but I'm sure if they liked it they would do really good...uh...Give me something!!!

  8. Ummm... The reason you don't want to be a girl is because you'd have to give up me? *blinks* that confusing.
