Monday, January 10, 2011

!!!Creative Contest!!!

I'm having a contest! Check in out:

Yeah! First contest! Here's the idea:

Each girl, (Boys to,  if they want.) shows their true creative side by entering any of these contests:

Awesome Doodlez Contest: Draw the best picture you can and post it on your blog, then comment the link to me. You can send one picture for each category: Animal, Human, Nature. Make sure to tell me which pic is for which category.

Bedroom Makeover Contest: Here's a good reason to clean up your room: Put on your best sheets, take out your favorite stuffed animal, put up some posters, and clean up that desk! Take and picture and post it on your blog, then comment me the link.

Perfect Pet Pictures Contest: Take a picture of your pet, or a friends, post it on your blog and comment me the link. You can send one picture for each category: Cute, Pretty, Funny. Make sure to tell me which pic is for which category.

Fashion Fever Contest: (Boys may not want to do this, unless they want to send a crazy outfit.) Take a picture of your favorite outfit, whether you're wearing it or not, even if you head's cut off! Post the pictures on your blog and comment me the link. You can send one outfit for each category: Casual, Dressy/Fancy, Crazy. Make sure to tell me which pic is for which category.

 Here's the prize:

Your blog will be mentioned on my blog and have a special link (Like the one's for my other blogs.) on the side. If you have any other ideas for a prize, just tell me. (Some thing that doesn't have to do with mailing a huge box and dropping it  on your doorstep.)

Hope you join, hope you win! Best luck to you all!

(Contest ends: Jan 16 2011. You have one week!)


  1. Hey Scezzle, check out my entry for the Perfect Pets cute division posted on my blog or
    I want to enter the bedroom makeover contest too! Thanks!

  2. Deadline: Jan 16
    Mattie: Thanks so much for entering! Cody is so cute! Are you entering him in cute or pretty?

  3. I'm definitely entering the doodles. Can you do more than one?
