Wednesday, March 30, 2011

April Fools Jokes

I have to say, my least favorite holiday is April Fools, especially when the joke's on me. But here are some harmless pranks:

Never ending toilet paper roll:
 Most people spin the toilet paper roll to find the end. Now they'll never find it!

You need: A Glue stick, toilet paper roll

1 take your toilet paper roll and find the end
2 glue the end down
3 test it

Do you have any duck food?:
Do you have any duck food? People get careless answering the same question a million times.

You need: A sibling or friend, a mouth.

1 Ask your sibling/friend "Do you have any duck food?" (If they say yes, tell them that bread isn't duck food. If they really have duck food, then ask something different.)
2 continue until they just answer "No." carelessly.
3 then ask "Are you smart?" Chances are, they'll answer "No."

Any pranks that you girls have done before?


  1. Hmmm, those sound really funny!
    Are you going to try any of them?
    We have lots of cats, so we are planning on dropping them off at some of our friends houses. I am pretty sure none of them want the cats, so it will be a good prank ;D
    In HIS service,

  2. Ha ha! Cool! I might do one of them. I've already done the 'Duck Food' prank on my little sister, so it wouldn't work again. I might do the toilet paper one. :)

  3. Got any duck food?
    Like my new profile picture?
    April Fools!

  4. :) Nope, none here!
    Oh! you're on the phone now! :)
