Wednesday, March 16, 2011

First day of work

Today was the first day of the next week and a half of taking care of the animals. It went well this morning. It was actually sunny at three o'clock when I went out to feed the horses and let the dogs out. The cat, Skylar, might have kittens soon-preferably when I'm not in charge- and the sheep might have lambs soon too. Same feeling for them.

Me: Hey, could you wait a while?
Sheep: Baa?

Did I ever mention that sheep are utterly stupid? If you've ever had sheep, you'll know what I'm talking about. It was funny, on Sunday the pastor was talking about how Jesus calls himself our shepherd and us his sheep. We could consider that an insult. The preacher said some thing like: "When I was younger our family bought sheep hoping they'd be good pets-they weren't. We thought they would be a good job opportunity-thankfully-they weren't."
Me and my mom were laughing, for we know first hand how stupid sheep are. So when God calls us his sheep, you might take it like this: "I'm not THAT stupid!"

Ahhh... nature. Smushed frogs in the driveway, left over boiled worms in the puddle, and a farting horse in the stall. Lovely.


  1. Oh, I want to be a sheep!
    Baa, baa, baa, baa!
    Oh I want to be a sheep!
    Baa, baa, baa, baa!
    And so on!
    Have fun taking care of the animals!

  2. Ha ha ha!
    That's SO FUNNY!!!
    At the end the sunday school got up and sang that song for the pastor! I'd never heard of that song before they sang it. Or maybe I had, but forgot..?
