Wednesday, March 9, 2011


 What's so 'YEAHish?'

Piano lessons, that's not all that great. :}

I got some yummy cookies, that's 'YEAHish', but that's not what I'm talking about.

What am I talking about?

I got a new follower! That's what so 'YEAHish'! I love new followers! Thank you Rose for following!

I'm starting to like my new word: 'YEAHish'.

I drew more cat pictures! I'm getting so obsessed with drawing cats. Let me introduce my cats to you:

First, there's Midnight. She is easily exited and always happy. But her legs are a little wonky though. She's black with white markings and a long fluffy tail. Her eyes have technically no color, but you could conciser them grey.

Then, there's Scarfire. This guy's cool. He has a short tail too! He's black with red markings. He has red eyes. (Creepy! Just kidding Scar. ;) He is the only cat so far with a short tail. I think he's sort of like a Japanese Bobtail or a Manx. I'll have to ask...

Next I drew Star. She's pretty cool too. She's white with a blueish tinge to her coat. She has pretty big ears compared to the rest of the cats, but It's not very noticeable.

Last but not least, there's Blue. Guess what! He's not blue! He's a grey cat with green eyes. He just has a normal tail.

I don't know whether I like Star or Blue better. Maybe I'll use my cats in a story? (Is my introduction boring? No really.)

I'm going skiing tomorrow again! I'm going with that friend of mine that i went with the last time.


  1. I so couldn't draw a good cat if my life depended on it! Are you going to post the actual drawings so we can see them?

  2. Yeah! Post some pictures! I always like looking at your drawings!
    Have fun skiing! (and see you tomorrow!)

    ♥ Book blogger

  3. By the way, how much guitar have you practiced? :) I've practiced once and might practice today.
