Sunday, July 3, 2011


Sheesh. Titles.

Yesterday our whole family went clothes shopping and I got some awesome T-shirts, tank tops, shorts, and...I think that's it. There was this REALLY cute top (I thought I'd never say those words. I never was the girl that loved to go clothes shopping.) and I REALLY wanted to get it, but my mom wouldn't let me. It was a thin white top with a really cute ruffle at the shoulders. My mom said it was to fancy, that I'd never wear it, that I looked like I had wings from the back. And I was thinking: "But wings are cool!" Heh. I didn't say that out loud of course, or she'd think I was losing it. :P *sighs* But it was so cute. I even tried to convince her that I could wear it for Christmas (Cause by Christmas we are frantically shopping for something for me to wear.) But she wouldn't have it. :( Shucks, it sucks.

When we were shopping we met some friends from church. One of  the asked her sister as she pointed to a pair of yellow shorts: "How about those? Then you'd look like a banana!"

Today at church there were some friends that had left for Paraguay about two years ago. I got so exited. Although I didn't show it, except that I grinned every once in a while, when I remembered one time...
My friends younger brother kept coming into her room and she got so annoyed that she threatened to put make up on his face the next time he came in. Well, he came in and we held him down on her bed. She took out some lipstick and was putting it on him when *chuckle* he wiggled so much that she got some up his nose. *laughs* It was so funny!

Just a little while ago I was putting something in the trash in the barn and I heard something up in the hayloft. I went to take a look and found a little falcon! It was trying to get out and it would swoop around the barn and fly into the window. So I called the neighbors and they came to get it out. My dad ended up catching it in a towel when it was trying to get out a corner (What was it thinking?). He carried it out and let it fly away! It was really cool! I got some pictures of it that I'll put up later.

Ha...good times. XD

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