Friday, November 26, 2010


The snow is gone, melted, disappeared, forever. I hope not. Which really sucks, because I was hoping to play with the neighbors in the snow, they have a day off school today. No chance of that.

I have a lot of drawings I want to put up, but my camera needs batteries, the recharger is broken, and I don't have any other batteries. I might be able to use my mom's camera though.

I made a VERY big mistake in my last post, my cousin isn't 1 1/2, he's 3. But on my behalf, he's short, he's very little. SO I HAVE AN EXUSE! Sort of.


  1. Hey! No bashing the short people. I may not be the tallest, but I'm not the shortest either. Still, I know how it feels.

  2. Hi Scezzle! (Or can I use your real name?)

    I don't know what it's like to be short.
    Most people think I'm like 5 years older then I am because I'm so tall.

    Book blogger (or Maddy)

  3. Ice wolf: Hey, sry, yeah.
    I don't know what it's like to be short either. I'm taller than my 17 year old cousin! Oh wait, she's short.*Panicking* I mean not really short! just shorter!
    Any way, I'm tall, but not really tall. And he's not only short, he talks in a baby voice (So cute) And he just seems really young. but now that I think of it, I don't know how I mistook him for a 1 1/2 year old. Actually, yes I do.
    It seems like just a year ago he was just a little newborn baby.
    Little kids grow up to fast.
    There was this guy, he was like,13 at the time, now 14, but he was SHORT. he was like, two feet shorter than me and two years older. His whole family was short, I was friends with his two younger sisters. (They come to our church once in a while and play violin in the German service.)
    HECK! never mind. If I go on like this I'm going to offend every one on the face of the earth. (And all those underground dudes too.)

  4. Book blogger: Yeah, I guess you can use my real name. I mainly have Scezzle for fun and because I don't want to change my name a third-fourth time! I guess I can use your nickname (Which I always use as your name in the first place.) then.
    P.S. Ice wolf, I used to be taller than my 14 year old brother by an inch or two.
    Luckily, he grew.

  5. You know what? My friend came up to me in church today and tapped me on the shoulder. I thought it was my brother so I turned around and looked OVER her head. Suddenly realizing who it was, I looked down at her. That was funny, all my friends joke about my height.

  6. There was this other guy and he was 14-15 something like that. I WAS TALLER THAN HIM! (ah-duh)
    He looked at me and was like "How old are you?"
    My answer was "Um, 10" (Or 11, some thing like that) His response was: "You are tall."
    Same thing every time.

  7. What do you mean? You're not 10 or 11.

  8. I WAS 10 or 11. That was YEARS ago.
