Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mint and Zoey

I came up with these two characters a few nights ago.  They're two orphaned were-creatures. I actually already have a whole plot planned out for them.
Ironically, Zoey is a guy. (The name Zoe is actually unisex. Just not used very often for a guy. It can also be short for Zoello, Zohar, etc.) I got the idea from a cat my friend used to have. They thought he was a girl so they named him Zoey. They found later that he was a guy. Weird, I know, but whatever. I'm weird.
Any ways, I might squeeze them into Howl of the Silver Moon some time next year, or maybe I'll put em in if I do a sequel, but for now, here's Mint and Zoey:

A brown wolf slunk through the shadows of the dark forest, a small child on his back. 
"How much longer, Zoey?" The small child whimpered, clinging to the wolf's mattered fur. 
"Not much, hold tight Mint." Zoey cooed calmly, trying to hide his inner feelings as not to scare the small one. Inside he was panicked. They both had not eaten all day. Last they had food was two days ago. A small squirrel that they shared between themselves. Not even enough to fill the stomach. He was weak with hunger, but he feared most for Mint. She was even weaker than he was. They was trying to find a town that should have been nearby. Maybe I'm just walking in circles, Zoey had thought more than once. But he pushed on, dragging one paw after the other. 
"Mint, you're getting a little heavy." Zoey finally spoke the complaint that he had been wanting to say for hours. 
"Hrm, sorry." The little girl muttered and transformed slowly and weakly into a small mint colored cat. She nuzzled further into the wolf's winter coat, closed her tired eyes, and fell asleep to the boy's weak and ragged breaths. Night was falling, and soon it would be to dark to continue. They might die of hunger and thirst.
With a heavy heart, Zoey trudged on. The sun had begun to set behind the hill when he collapsed, exhausted and defeated. Mint tumbled to the ground. 
"Zoey!" She yelped in surprise and stumbled to her feet. Zoey didn't answer. He had given up. There was nothing for them here. 
"Zoey!" Mint shouted louder, nudging him with her nose. Finally she turned into a human, rolled him over onto his back and shouted in his face. 
"Zoey!" He looked at her desperate face. Tears ran down her cheeks and her eyes pleaded. They were filled with sadness, but also hope. She had not given up yet. There was still life in there. A small flower, waiting to grow. 
Zoey slowly pushed to his paws. Even if he didn't live, she would, he would see to that. He nudged her and she obeyed, transforming back into a cat. Picking her up by the scruff, he began to run. He ran until the sun had disappeared behind the snow cover tops of the mountains and darkness settled over the forest. He ran until he spotted a light off in the distance. A soft glow in the dark night. Hope for one that had none. 
Finally he stopped and transformed into a human. He felt like falling right there, but not here, not now when he was so close. Mint turned back into a child and he held her there, in his arms. Gathering courage, he stumbled up the steps of an old mansion. He lifted his hand and knocked, it's low, hollow sound echoing through the place. Then, silence. After a little while Zoey could hear soft foot steps. They came to the door and a latch slid. The door opened and a small face peeked out. It was pale and fragile, with wide, bright eyes, one red, one blue. Long black hair framed the girl's face. 
"Hello?" She said in a sweet voice. Then noticing the small whimpering girl, she opened the door wide and hurried them in closing it after them. 
"Are you both all right?" She asked, concerned. 
Zoey's throat was dry. "Just hungry and thirsty." He croaked. 
The girl nodded, led them into a kitchen. "Take a seat." She waved towards a table and chairs, then began to hurry about, preparing something for the two to eat. 
"Come on." Zoey murmured in Mint's ear, placing her on one of the chairs, then hesitantly pulling up his own next to her. He looked around. The whole house was gloomy and dark, but candles hung from every ceiling and wall and cast eerie shadows. Mint was fiddling with her fingers, head rested on the table that was as high as her shoulders. The girl was bustling around. Her dark hair fell to below her waist. It was thin, silky, and so light it seemed to float. She turned to Zoey and Mint and place two steaming bowls of soup in front of them. 
"There you are." She smiled and sat down with them, resting her chin on her hands. Mint smiled and began to slurp up the soup gratefully. Zoey hesitated, eying the girl. She seemed to want to watch him eat it. He took a spoonful and shoved it in his mouth. It was warm and tasty. It trickled down his throat and warmed his tired body. The girl seemed satisfied and opened her mouth to speak. 
"What do you think?" It took a while for Zoey to realize what she meant. The soup. 
Zoey opened his mouth, but Mint had already blurted, "It's really good!" So Zoey just nodded and continued his soup. 
"How did you get out here? Where are your parents?" She asked.
"Oh, we've been traveling for a long time. Our parents were killed." Mint said. Zoey winced and gave her a warning glance. She just shrugged and mouthed, "She asked!"
"Oh, I'm sorry." This news seemed to impact the girl way more than anybody else. Her face darkened and her brow furrowed in sympathy. It was as if losing your parents actually had some remote meaning to her. Then she changed the subject."Where are you going?"
Zoey quickly answered before Mint could. "To the town that should be around here."
The girls eyes lit up in confusion. "Town? There hasn't been a town around here for years."
Zoey frowned. "Maybe my map was old." He muttered
"What are your names?" The girl asked again. 
"I'm Mint and that's Zoey." Mint answered before Zoey could again, so he left the rest of the answering to her. At least they were on a safe topic now. "What's your name?" 
The girl smiled. "Crystal." 
Mint grinned. "That's a pretty name."  
"Crystal?" A raspy voice broke the quiet. A shiver ran down Zoey's spine and Mint's eyes grew wide. "Who are you talking to?" 
"Just some people that came to the door, Madona." 
"Crystal..." Madona began. 
"Madona..." Crystal stood and turned to Mint and Zoey. "Come. I will show you the lady of the house." Zoey pushed his empty bowl aside, Mint slipped off the edge of her chair, and they followed Crystal into an adjoining room. 
A grand fireplace was on one wall and a huge couch sat in front of it, facing the leaping flames. Large paintings covered the walls all the way up to the high ceiling. The whole room made you feel small and helpless. Zoey felt Mint's hand slip into his and he squeezed it. Crystal walked around the chair and turned to someone that sat in it, talking to her in hushed tones for a little while. Zoey and Mint followed slowly and timidly. In the couch sat a small figure. It was an old woman, with frizzy gray hair and wrinkled skin. Her eyes were thin slits and small glasses balanced on end of her nose. Mint and Zoey stood beside Crystal and stared at the old woman. The huge couch made her look like a little midget and she sunk deep into the plush seat. She studied them, staring arrows through them. Finally she smiled spoke, her voice old and gravely, but gentle and kind. 
"Welcome children." She greeted them warmly. "My name is Madona. I'm sure Crystal gave you her wonderful soup. It's my personal favorite. So you are Mint and Zoey?"
The two nodded.
The old woman smiled again. "You two are welcome to spend the night here. Crystal, show them to some rooms. They must be tired." 
Crystal bowed quickly and walked down a hall, motioning for Zoey and Mint to follow. She lead them down the dark hallway to a room. It was large, spacious, and homey. With a large queen sized bed. "Mint, your bedroom is just next door," Crystal open another door to a similar room, "And mine is next to yours." she pointed to another. 
"But I want to sleep with Zoey." Mint grabbed a fist full of Zoey's dirty T-shirt and nuzzled closer to him. Crystal closed the door to Mint's room. "Alright. Sweet dreams." She disappeared down the hall again to help Madona. 
Zoey closed the door as Mint pounced onto the fluffy bed. She dug under the covers and Zoey gently jumped onto her, tickling her through the covers and growling playfully. Mint dissolved into fit of giggly shrieks. Finally Zoey slipped under the covers next to Mint and they snuggled up to each other. For a while all you could hear was the chirping of crickets and Crystal and Madona in the other room. 
"Good night Fuzzy Tail." Mint whispered. 
"Good night, Minty Ears." Zoey whispered back.

It's not finished yet, by the way. I hope you want to read more, cause whether you like it or not, it's coming at you! No, not really. If you don't really like it I'll stop.

I think I like this sort of writing better than the stuff I'm doing now for my OYAN story. ...Yeah, I do. Maybe it's cause there's more action and less talking...

I was reading this to my little sister and she LOVED it so now I'm sharing it with you guys. What do you think?

I was thinking Zoey's hair should be a more unnatural color. Like green or blue. Maybe orange... And maybe Crystals could be purple...


  1. REALLY?!

    People all over have been saying this to me. I don't know why I'm surprised...
