Saturday, July 7, 2012


 Kay, I've been tagged for the Liebster Blog Award by RunningFree of Bleed By The Pen.

Here's how it works:
  • If your Tagged/nominated you have to post 11 facts about yourself
  • Then you answer the 11 questions the tagger has given you & make 11 questions for the people your going to tag.
  • Tag 11 more Bloggers
  • Tell the people you tagged that you did.
  • No tagging back.
  • The person you tag must have less than 200 followers
 First, facts about me:
(Well this sucks. I just posted facts about me in my last post. Now I need to think of eleven more.)
1. I shudder when ever I see a Jack'o'lantern.
2. I could be considered a picky eater, because I often prefer things a certain way, but I'll pretty much eat anything.
3. I wont eat with a spoon if I don't have too. I prefer forks.
4. My favorite numbers are three and seven.
5. My favorite movies are High School Musical 1, 2, and 3, Alex Rider Stormbreaker, The Avengers, Ice Age 1, 2, and 3, Pride and Prejudice, A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Princess Bride (Duh.), Phineas and Ferb the 2nd Dimension, etc.
6. I am TOTALLY enjoying writing my chapter two. It's got a lot of people hitting each other....
7. I love shopping at the mall. =3
8. I like to wear bright colors.
9. When I was little it though deodorant stopped you from sweating.
10. It's really hot in the house right now...
11. I love markers.

Now for the questions from RunningFree:
1. Of all the books you've ever read, who is your favorite character?
     That's a hard question. I love Peeta from the Hunger Games. (Who doesn't?) And I also really like Marcello from The River of Time Series.
EDIT: OHMYGAWSH howcouldiforget? Howl. Howl from How's moving castle. Best character ever. Next to Twinkle... =3
2. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?
     Either a river otter or a zebra. Or a hedgehog, or a unicorn.
3. Favorite candy?
     Mars bars!!!!
4. What chore do you absolutely HATE doing?
     I can't think of any chore I absolutely HATE doing. I think I hate mopping, but once I start, it's not so bad. Same with vacuuming.
5. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
     Ugh. Another hard one. Something unique. Like... Zoey, or Natalia (That' what my mom wanted to call me). I like the name Aeryn too. You can spell so many different ways. (Then again, there are many ways to spell my name too...)
6. What's your biggest dream, attainable or not?
     Either riding a dolphin or going on a trip all over Europe. Or NARNIA!!!
7. If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
     I don't know... There are so many good songs out there!
8. What was the last experience you had that made you a stronger person?
     I don't know. I think slowly through out my life I'm becoming a stronger and better person.
9. If you were a Star Wars character, who would you be?
     That's easy. The evil guy: ANAKIN SKYWALKER!!!
10. Pop tarts or twinkies?
     I don't think I've ever had Pop Tarts...
11. What was the title of the first piece of writing you created?
     The first one I can remember I believe was titled 'Alone'.

Now for tagging!!!
I tag:
1. Sauerkraut at : Day 1
2. BookBlogger at: Life... The Way I See It
3. Cx2 The Artist at: My Mind Full of Dreams
4. BookKeeper at: Bookmarked Page
5. Nicki T. at: Random Writers Ramblings
6. Bridgie at: Crooked
7. Emily at: The Nerve of Verve
8. epicerin96 at: Head in the Clouds
And that's it cause I'm in a hurry. 
< You can find their blogs listed in the sidebar.
1. What's your favorite mythical animal?
2. Favorite movie character?
3. Last movie you watched? Did you like it?
4. Favorite Celebrity?
5. Best dream you've ever had?
6. Strangest thing that's ever happened to you?
7. Biggest fear?
8. Favorite food?
9. List three quirks.
10. What did you have for breakfast?
11. What's the first thing you see when you open your: Fridge/pantry and/or dresser/closet.

Kay, yup, so, have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Heyyy. Nice favourite movies. ♥ Those'd have to be mine, too. :D And if you love shopping at the mall, we should go sometime. :)
