Friday, November 9, 2012

NaNoWriMo... sort of.

Yurp, I'm doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for the first time. I'm not really taking it seriously, doing it mostly just fo an excuse to write. (Fiction writing hardly counts as school for me.) You can read my novel under my page "Short Stories", titled 'Forgotten'. According to an inacurate cut and paste word counter, I have 1523 words. I probably have less, but why would I contradict a word counter? :)
(You didn't read this, but I noticed on the one I use that if you don't use paragraphs you get one more word than if you did use them.)

OYAN is... almost finished. Just a chapter or two to go. Or three... or four...

Oh! And for Halloween I did get that cloak. My mom ended up doing all the work (To hard for a complete beginner like me. And no, I'm not being modest. Just ask BookBlogger. I'm never modest. :P) and it turned out great! On the hay ride it got all dirty though.... <_<


  1. Hey "Sophie"
    I read the first two chapters
    of your OYAN story...
    I really enjoyed them!
    You're really good at writing!
