Monday, December 16, 2013

The Islands of Chaldea

I just found out that "The brand new and final novel from the magical and whimsical pen of ‘the Godmother of Fantasy’, Diana Wynne Jones" is coming out in 2014!

And I'm super stoked!

'The Islands of Chaldea' is co-authored and completed by her sister, Ursula Jones. You can read more about it here: Harper Collins: The Islands of Chaldea

I am so totally super pumped! Diana Wynne Jones is my favorite author of all time, and my goal is to read every single one of her novels. I'm so excited!
\(^-^)/ ~!!!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Strayed Soul Poem

I had to write a poem for school using couplets and these sets of words:

  • plea, me
  • thrown, stone
  • stood, wood

So here's what I got:

Long way down the road there stood
a dark and dangerous, forbidding wood.
Souls of many, there were thrown
and there they lay deep under stone.
From the forest could be heard the plea:
"Come, strayed soul, to rescue me."

I can't believe I wrote something so freaky.
I don't even know what it means.
But it rhymed, so.
Lemme know what you think.